Terms and Conditions

  • 1. General provisions
  1. Specialized and technical translation agency TECH-TEXT provides translation services in the area of interpretation and translation as well as other related services (editing and proofreading, text and translation verification, translation authentication by a sworn translator, graphical editing, localization etc.)
  2. Services provided by TECH-TEXT are performed in compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
  3. These Terms and Conditions come into operation on 1st October 2015.
  • 2. Assignments
  1. TECH-TEXT prepares a quote for a translation and informs the Client about the quote each time prior to the commencement of the translation process. The translation agency commences the translation process upon receiving a written confirmation of the quote by the Client. The confirmation may be delivered by the Client in person or per electronic mail and is tantamount to the Client’s knowledge and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. In the case of Clients who have a permanent contract with the TECH-TEXT translation agency the translation agency commences the translation process upon receiving the materials for translation and the information necessary for the translation i.e. the target language, the date of completion and other relevant information in a particular case.
  • 3. The rules concerning regular translations
  1. The completion of a translation assignment shall be commenced upon the receiving of the original materials: document printout, file scan (in MS Word format, pdf, jpg etc.)
  2. Upon receiving the materials for translating TECH-TEXT preliminarily assesses the volume of the translation. On the basis of this assessment, the preferred time of completion and after consulting the Client TECH-TEXT determines the mode for the completion of the translation.
  3. The basis for the initial assessment of the volume of a regular translation is the number of standard pages in the source language if a document had been provided in an electronic form in text format (eg.: MS Word). In other cases (fax, scan, written text) the initial assessment is approximate.
  4. The final financial settlement of a translation is carried out on the basis of the number of standard pages of the target text unless in a particular case it is stated otherwise in writing. A standard page embraces 1500 characters including spaces. The volume of the translation is rounded up to 0.5 of a standard page.
  5. Regular translation assignments in an ordinary mode without a set date of completion are delivered to the Client before 5.00 p.m. on the day agreed upon as the day of the completion of the translation unless agreed otherwise. The time of completion for an assignment accepted after 3.00 p.m. is counted from 9.00 a.m. on the next working day.
  6. TECH-TEXT translation agency offers translation services in the flowing modes:

REGULAR mode: up to 7 standard translation pages per working day. The rate for a translation page is determined according to the type of text, typeof translation required and number of pages.
URGENT mode: above 7 and up to 14 standard translation pages per working day (rate for a translation page in regular mode + 50%)
EXPRESS mode: above 14 standard translation pages per working day or traslation ready for the same working day as ordered (rate for a translation page in regular mode +100%).

  1. TECH-TEXT s.c. shall make every endeavour so that the translation from the original text is completed accurately. In the case of the urgent and/or express translation modes the Client shall accept the likelihood of mistakes connected with limited time for deep analysis and detailed verification of the translated text.
  2. TECH-TEXT delivers the translation to the Client in the form of a MS Word, MS Excel or MS Power Point file. Individual Clients receive the translation upon making the payment for the service. In case of a money transfer the payment has to appear on the account of TECH-TEXT prior to the collection of the translation. Commercial Clients receive the translation per e-mail. Soon after the translated text TECH-TEXT sends an e-mail with an invoice for the service payable within 14 days unless stated otherwise for a particular assignment.
  3. In case of urgent or express mode translation assignments TEXT-TEXT reserves the right to divide the original text among several translators, which may result in inconsistencies in the terminology applied.
  4. Should the original files contain drawings, diagrams, graphs etc. which had not been delivered by the Client in an editable electronic form, TECH-TEXT is not committed to preserving the exact form of these elements in the translation. TECH-TEXT shall agree with the Client about the form of rendering the drawings, diagrams and graphs in order to preserve the relation between the fragments of drawings, diagrams, graphs and the translated content. TECH-TEXT may preserve the layout and the formatting of the original document, this however, is considered additional service. The fee for this service will be agreed on individually.
  5. All regular translations are archived and stored by TECH-TEXT for at least 6 months.
  • 4. The rules concerning certified translations
  1. In case of a certified translation apart from the original printout, scan or file the Client is also obliged to present the original version of the document prior to the commencement of the translation process or prior to the collection of the translation. TECH-TEXT delivers certified translation services on the basis of a copy of a document. In such case the translation shall contain a note to inform it has been completed on the basis of a copy of a document.
  2. Upon the receipt of the original text TECH-TEXT conducts an initial assessment of the volume of the translation. On the basis of this assessment and after consulting the Client TECH-TEXT determines the mode for the performance of the translation.
  3. The basis for the financial settlement of the volume of a certified translation is the number of standard certified translation pages of text in the target language. A standard page of a certified translation comprises 1125 characters including spaces. The volume of a certified translation is rounded up to a full standard page of a certified translation.
  4. TECH-TEXT translation agency offers certified translation services in the flowing modes:
  5. REGULAR mode: up to 7 certified translation pages per working day. The rate for a translation page is determined according to the type of text, typeof translation required and number of pages.
    URGENT mode: above 7 and up to 14 certified translation pages per working day (rate for a translation page in regular mode + 50%)
    EXPRESS mode: above 14 certified translation pages per working day or traslation ready for the same working day as ordered (rate for a translation page in regular mode +100%).
  6. TECH-TEXT s.c. shall make every endeavour so that the translation from the original text is a

completed accurately. In the case of the urgent and/or express translation modes the Client shall accept the likelihood of mistakes connected with limited time for deep analysis and detailed verification of the translated text.

  1. In case of a certified translation the translation is delivered to the Client in printed form as a single copy. On request of the Client TECH-TEXT may deliver more copies of the certified translation at an extra charge of 20% of the price of the translation. Should the Client order an additional copy of the certified translation later than seven days after the completion of the translation TECH-TEXT has the right to treat such an assignment as an extract and charge 50% of the price of the translation.
  2. The Client shall collect the certified translation in person from the translation agency’s premises. TECH-TEXT may send the translation per post or a courier service on request of the Client, who shall incur the total cost of the delivery.
  3. Certified translation assignments provided in the regular mode without a set date of delivery are completed before 5.00 p.m. on the day agreed on as the date of completion unless agreed differently. The date of completion for an assignment accepted after 3.00 p.m is calculated from 9.00 a.m. on the next working day.


  • 5. The rules concerning interpreting services
  1. In order to commission an interpreting assignment the Client shall provide TECH-TEXT with the following information: the topic of the interpretation, the character of the meeting/event, the programme, the number of participants/people in the audience, the text of the speeches/lectures/presentations, the venue of the interpreting service and approximate duration. In case of specialized interpretation, if possible, the Client shall provide TECH-TEXT with materials which could help the interpreter prepare for the interpreting session not later than 3 working days prior to the commencement of the interpreting assignment.
  2. The minimal unit of account for interpretation services is a four hour session. The minimal unit of account during a day is equivalent to a four hour session. Each commenced hour of interpreting is counted as an entire hour and opens the next session, as the case may be. In case of several day long interpreting services the settlement may be conducted on hourly basis.
  3. Simultaneous interpreting, also called conference interpreting, always involves the cooperation of two interpreters. In exceptional situations, when the duration of the service does not exceed two hours, TECH-TEXT together with the Client and the interpreter may agree to involve only one interpreter in the assignment.
  4. Should the duration of the interpreting assignment exceeds eight hours on one day, the unit of account for the additional hours of interpreter’s work is agreed on by TECH-TEXT and the Client individually. Should an interpreting assignment be completed on the same day on which it had been commissioned and after 6.00 p.m., on Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays the unit of account for the assignment is agreed on by TECH-TEXT and the Client individually. The duration of the assignment is counted from the hour agreed upon and at which the interpreter has arrived at the venue of the assignment to the hour at which the meeting or event has ended as agreed in advance or to the moment the Client releases the interpreter from the assignment. The breaks for the participants of conferences, meetings, events are treated as breaks also for the interpreter and are treated in the settlement as working time.
  5. TECH-TEXT offers interpreting services outside Warsaw. In such case the price for the assignment includes additional costs i.e. interpreter’s travel costs, potential accommodation costs as well as the cost of the interpreter’s availability i.e. the time spent on travel and beyond their place of residence and work. The unit of account shall be agreed upon individually.
  • 6 Cancelling assignments
  1. General provisions for cancelling written assignments

The client has the right to cancel an assignment at any time. The assignment is cancelled upon the receipt of the information about the cancellation by TECH-TEXT in writing. Should the information about the cancellation of an assignment be sent outside TECH-TEXT office hours it shall be considered as delivered at 9.00 a.m. on the next working day. The Client is obliged to pay for the part of the assignment which had been prepared until the moment of cancellation in accordance with the unit of account agreed upon between TECH-TEXT and the Client. The translated text which had been prepared until the moment of cancellation can be delivered to the Client upon request.

  1. General provisions for cancelling interpreting assignments

In case of a one day interpreting assignment the Client may cancel the assignment without incurring any cost nor consequence not later than three working days before the date set as the date of the assignment. Should the Client cancel an assignment later, he shall incur the cost of the interpreter’s state of readiness, which is 50% of the value of the assignment as agreed upon by TECH-TEXT and the Client as well as potential additional cost, if the assignment was to take place outside Warsaw, and the interpreter had incurred costs connected with accommodation, transport etc.

In case of a 2-7 day interpreting assignment the Client may cancel the assignment without incurring any cost nor consequence not later than five working days before the date set as the date of the assignment. Should the Client cancel an assignment later he shall incur the cost of the interpreter’s state of readiness, which is 40% of the value of the assignment as agreed upon by TECH-TEXT and the Client as well as potential additional cost, if the assignment was to take place outside Warsaw, and the interpreter had incurred cost connected with accommodation, transport etc.

In case of an over 7 day interpreting assignment the Client may cancel the assignment without incurring any cost nor consequence not later than seven working days before the date set as the date of the assignment. Should the Client cancel an assignment later he shall incur the cost of the interpreter’s state of readiness, which is 30% of the value of the assignment as agreed upon by TECH-TEXT and the Client as well as potential additional cost, if the assignment was to take place outside Warsaw, and the interpreter had incurred cost connected with accommodation, transport etc.

  • 7. Confidentiality
  1. TECH-TEXT is committed to treat all information obtained in connection with the completion of its assignments, in particular their content, as confidential. TECH-TEXT guarantees that all its translators and business partners and employees have signed a confidentiality agreement and have been instructed about the consequences of its breach.

TECH-TEXT will make every endeavour in order to store the documents received for the purpose of pricing, translation as well as reference documents with due diligence so that no unauthorized party has any access to them and shall not be revealed to any third party without the Client’s knowledge and consent.

  • 8. Liability
  1. The material liability for potential damages connected with a faulty translation completed by TECH-TEXT is limited to the net value (excluding VAT) of the assignment as agreed upon with the Client.
  2. TECH-TEXT will not be held responsible for delays caused by emergency situations resulting from factors beyond the control of TECH-TEXT such as force majeure, computer breakdowns, Internet and telephone connection failures and power cuts.
  3. TECH-TEXT shall not be held responsible for the content errors in the translation resulting from the errors present in the original documents.
  • 9. Complaints
  1. Any form of use of text translated by TECH-TEXT before financial settlement of the price for the translation including passing the text to third parties is tantamount to acceptance of the translation without objections.
  2. Complaints shall be delivered in written form and should contain an appropriate justification.
  3. Should the complaint be accepted as justified TECH-TEXT shall complete a verification of the translated text free of charge as agreed with the Client and/or give the Client a rebate in the amount agreed upon in the case of each individual complaint.
  4. TECH-TEXT shall not accept complaints concerning assignments completed in urgent and express modes at the request of the Client.
  • 10. Payments
  1. Payments for completed assignments are settled on the basis of an invoice issued by TECH-TEXT. The Client makes the payment in cash at TECH-TEXT premises or via money transfer onto the account indicated on the invoice.
  2. CIients who had concluded a permanent cooperation contract with TECH-TEXT receive a collective invoice for the assignments completed within a calendar month.
  3. A translated text remains the property of TECH-TEXT until the settlement of the payment is completed by the Client. Upon the completion of the payment the Client receives the proprietary copy rights to the translated text.
  4. Should the payment be overdue ineffectively TECH-TEXT shall send a reminder about the unsettled payment.
  5. Should the payment be overdue for 7 days, TECH-TEXT shall send a default notice with registered mail.
  6. Should the payment be overdue for 14 days, TECH-TEXT shall refer the case to a debt collection agency. The Client shall incur all the cost of the debt recovery procedure.
  7. TECH-TEXT reserves the right to receive an advance payment prior to the commencement of the assignment.
  • 11. General
  1. TECH-TEXT may accept a translation assignment or an interpreting assignment under terms other than specified in these Terms and Conditions or the Price List. The terms of such assignment are agreed upon individually in writing by TECH-TEXT and the Client.
  2. All matters not settled herein shall be resolved according to the provisions of the Civil Code and the Copyrights and Related Acts from 2 February 1994 (Official Journal of Law no 24, item 83 with further amendments).

The date of the last update of the Terms and Conditions: 1.01.2016 The current version of the Terms and Conditions is always available at TECH-TEXT premises.

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